Lets start with...
Transplanting. So you just got your plants in the mail. What should you do? Well hopefully your plants are still nice looking. A little dehydrated is actually just right. What size of pot are you going to put the plant in? or are you planting outside into the ground?
Start with containers, I generally try to under pot the plants at first and then you can re-pot later, besides you will change your mind on the pot anyway. So like the picture above, find a pot that the leaves touch on all sides. That is my suggestion. Also if you are concerned with depth to plant your succulents, always go higher than you think. The plants will pull themselves into the soil and fix their depth on its own.
Soil for containers should be light weight so its easy to carry. We suggest coconut coir as a starting point but use what works for you. If you do use a bag mix of soil, NEVER pack the soil in the pot. You want the soil to be fluffy and settle on its own. This will help with drainage and oxygen to the plants roots. Just make sure the soil has some drainage in it, like pumice, perlite, scoria, cinder, or calcined clay.
In the ground, make sure your plant has good drainage. Use volcanic rocks, pea gravel and/or sand. Also use a little bit of native soil as long as its not clay. If it is clay, find yourself a sandy loam or sandy topsoil to use in your mix. These plants need organic materials, full aggregate is not a good mix. In the wild, these succulents including cactus all receive nutrients from leaf debris breaking down in the soil. But cant stress the amount of gravel or drainage you have in your soil. If you live in a cold area the plants will do better. Besides if its too much, you can always water once in a while. You cant really fix a rotting plant from not enough drainage.