Agave montana 9200ft
Agave montana well named is found in very high elevations in Mexico on or near the tops of mountains. Plants are found in the sierra madre occidentals at 3000 meters or between 9000 and 10,000ft. Curently are trying this in the garden and have very little on cold hardiness that I would think it could take 0F pretty easily. We have heard stories from people about their water freezing overnight in July while visiting these plants in the wild. I worried about heat hardiness with these plants but I had grown several in Las Vegas, NV where they were subject to their summer but filtered sun was required when day temps get above 110F.
I do not guarantee these in a zone 5/6 because everyones growing conditions are different but this would be a good trial plant to grow in your cold outdoor garden. Try to plant outdoor 90 days before 1st hard freeze.
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