Aloe conifera
Aloe conifera is a species from the island of Madagascar. It is from the upland area of betsileo, primarily in rock crevices. It is found from 4000ft up to 5000ft in elevation. It has survived 12F without issues but it died at 2F in a plastic pot. Somwhere between these 2 temperatures is the breaking point. Im guessing around 10F, seems to be a drop off point for most aloe species. Plants for sale are seedlings in 3" pots. Plants like granitic soil. Will ship this species potted because they are difficult to transplant.
I do not guarantee these in a zone 5/6/7 because everyones growing conditions are different but this would be a good trial plant to grow in your cold outdoor garden. Try to plant outdoor 90 days before 1st hard freeze.
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